Take Time for You
By Mike Cooper
As we approach Thanksgiving, signs of the season are all around us. Pumpkins smashed in the roads, groceries overflowing with turkeys and cranberries, kids riding their bikes through the leaves piled up on the street, and e-newsletters gushing with gratitude. Frankly, we should be grateful for things all year long, not just in November.
We have said it before, but we’ll say it again – as Naperville Senior Center Adult Day Services continues to grow, we are grateful for the support of our family, friends and colleagues. We are most grateful for our dozens of Members and their families, who committed to improving their quality of life.
The next 8 weeks will be jammed with activities as we enter the holiday season. This is the ‘short list’ of events to keep in mind:
Enjoy the fall foliage
- Take down Halloween decorations
- Veterans Day – thank a vet for their service
- Turkey Trot 5k
- Thanksgiving – give thanks
- Black Friday – start (or continue) Christmas shopping
- Cyber Monday – more Christmas shopping
- Giving Tuesday – give to others who need it more
- Put up Christmas (or Hanukkah/Kwanzaa) decorations
- Hanukkah
- Shovel the driveway (hopefully not!)
- Start of winter
- Shovel the driveway, again (hopefully not!)
- Christmas
- Kwanzaa
- New Year’s Eve – resolutions!
It is easy to get caught up in all of the hustle and bustle, and suddenly find yourself stressed out because there is so much to do. But remember to take time for yourself. Relax. Take a breath. Go for a massage; do some yoga. Get a mani/pedi, or just meditate for a little while. If the garland isn’t perfect, that’s okay.
While you are busy getting ready for these events – and taking time for yourself, your loved one could be safely with us celebrating as well! Let us take that one stressor away from you. We enjoy a variety of activities every day providing mental and physical stimulation for our Members. If there’s a holiday around the corner, we celebrate! (Did you see our ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ photo?)
Call to action: contact us to schedule a FREE 3-hour trial at our facility so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home”.

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Tour our adult day services facility.
Observe some fun activities. Join us for lunch. Learn more at our Senior Adult Day Care center FREE TRIAL
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Learn more about Naperville Senior Citizen services and upcoming events.