Social Seniors Have Better Quality of Life
By Mike Cooper
How important is social support to older adults? It seems like this question is easy to answer. As humans, we are social creatures. We generally look to other people for interaction and comradery.
If that is the case for someone who is 20 or 30 years old, it is even more important for someone who is 70, 80 or older. This interaction may come from family members, neighbors or friends. But what happens when some people from that support system have to work, get sick, move away, or possibly, die? That is the unfortunate case for some older adults. Most people do not seek out isolation and loneliness purposefully, but they are thrust into it by unfortunate circumstances.
How can you help an older adult who might be isolated from their social network? Here are 4 tips to help provide social support to an older adult:
Go for a visit. We all are busy and have things to do. But do you have 30 minutes once-in-a-while to stop over and visit with an elderly neighbor or relative? Probably. Maybe you just visit; maybe you bring a game or puzzle that you can play with them. The senior will appreciate the interaction.
- Cook them a meal. If you know the senior well enough to know if they have any dietary restrictions, make them something for dinner that can be easily reheated. Even package the food in separate disposable containers with the name of the item and date it was made on the lid so it can be frozen, if necessary. Many seniors don’t cook, so having a hot, homemade meal might be a treat.
- Bring them a plant. Most seniors don’t need knick-knacks; they have plenty already. But having a flowering plant in the house will do wonders to improve someone’s spirit.
Have them check out Naperville Senior Center. A senior will never be lonely at the Naperville Senior Center. We have activities, games, music, and exercise programs for all levels, a hot noontime meal, a quiet room for when someone needs a ‘time out’ and so much more.
Come Visit! To learn more about how NSC can provide a respite for caregivers and a great social environment for your loved one, contact us at 630-857-3017. We invite you to come visit and see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home.”

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