Can Healthy Snacks Taste Good Too?
By Mike Cooper
As we celebrate National Nutrition Month, we want to talk about snacks, specifically healthy snacks. Who doesn’t love salty chips, crackers with cheese or a tasty dip? But can you really have just one? Probably not – and that’s the problem. Those salty snacks can be addicting! I know… I’ve been able to plow through a whole bag in one sitting, and they are not good for you!
Why does snacking have to be bad? Aren’t there any choices that are tasty, satisfying AND good for you? Yes there is! You just have to think about it and make good choices.
Here are a few healthy snacks you can have that are satisfying; without all the salt, fat and preservatives:
Hummus and Veggies. If you can make your own hummus, that’s even better, but store-bought is good too. There is less fat than dairy-based dips. Add some fresh veggies like snap peas, sweet peppers, carrots, cukes, celery or broccoli with it and you will have a tasty snack that will fill you up.
- Go Nuts! Nuts are a good source of protein; just watch how many you eat because they also have a lot of fat.
- Protein Smoothie. No, we don’t mean go out to a smoothie shop, either. Those store-bought drinks have way too many calories and sugar. If you can, make your own. It’s easy with some protein powder, plain Greek yogurt, water and some frozen berries or a banana. You’ll get the protein and fiber you need to feel full until dinner!
Apple Slices with Almond Butter. If you want sweet and salty at the same time, try slicing an apple and add some almond butter to it. It is delish! Fun tip: make little boats with the apple slices, and use a slice of cheese on a toothpick for the sail. Yummy! We did this on Talk Like a Pirate Day!
- Fresh salsa with corn tortilla chips. Beware of jarred salsa; many of them have added sugar and preservatives. Read the nutrition label before taking something off the shelf. You could look for fresh salsa (or pico de gallo) in your local store or make your own. It will stay fresh for a few days. Tomatoes, red onion, hot peppers (jalapeno, serrano, etc.), cilantro, garlic, lime juice and a dash of salt are all the ingredients you need. Pair that with corn tortilla chips and you will have a great snack.
Our Members receive a hot noon-time meal and healthy snacks throughout the day.
At Naperville Senior Center, we pride ourselves in the fact that we serve our Members a hot, nutritious noon-time meal as well as healthy snacks during the day. We have fruit cups, applesauce, bananas, apples, oranges, and granola bars available throughout the day.
We know it can be hard for seniors to make their own meals, so we want them to have a great one with us. In the warmer months, we even grow our own herbs and vegetables (with our Members’ help) and serve them at lunch. Our ‘farm to table’ distance is about 20 feet! It doesn’t get more locally-grown than that!
Naperville Senior Center provides a warm, safe environment for your loved one when they can’t safely be on their own during the day. Members are welcome to be as independent as they can safely be while they are with us. In fact, one of our Members drives himself to our center! He could go anywhere he wants, but due to the socialization and other cool things we offer, he chooses to come here a few days a week. We encourage exercise, games and puzzles, singing, clapping, dancing, computer time and a host of other activities to provide mental and physical stimulation for our Members.
Come Visit! To learn more about how NSC can provide a respite for caregivers and a great social environment for your loved one, contact us at 630-857-3017. We invite you to Come Visit, see what we have to offer, and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home.”

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