6 Things You Need To Know About Naperville Senior Center
Over the last two and a half years, Pam and I could not be happier with the reception we have received from our family, friends and the community regarding Naperville Senior Center. We couldn't have gotten this far without your support! But there are some...

Top 3 Life Lessons I Learned from my Dad
By Mike Cooper As I relaxed on Father’s Day, I started thinking about all the things my dad taught me over the years. There were many lessons; some may have gone on deaf ears at the time. But as I got older and had children of my own, I saw the wisdom in...

3 Powerful Benefits of Mailing Letters to Seniors Right Now
When was the last time you mailed a letter or a card to someone? We are not talking about sending text messages or an e-mail, but an actual card in the mail? It may have been a while, which is a shame. I remember looking forward to getting cards in the mail for...

4 Activities to Celebrate Earth Day with your Senior Loved One
This year, Earth Day is Saturday, April 22. Since 1970 it is a day on which many people around the world will show support for environmental protection. There are events in many communities on that day and throughout the week. Unfortunately, many seniors...

6 Ways to Help a Depressed Loved One
April 7 is World Health Day. The theme for World Health Day 2017 is Depression: Let’s Talk. Although depression is not a normal part of aging, it can be common among older adults. Even though the CDC estimates that approximately 7 million seniors in...

Can Healthy Snacks Taste Good Too?
By Mike Cooper As we celebrate National Nutrition Month, we want to talk about snacks, specifically healthy snacks. Who doesn’t love salty chips, crackers with cheese or a tasty dip? But can you really have just one? Probably not – and that’s the problem....

Being Happy is Good for Your Health
By Mike Cooper There have been several studies showing that being happy is good for your health. There is a connection between being happy and optimistic, and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Happy, optimistic people tend to maintain good habits as...

When is the Right Time to Downsize?
Downsizing. Getting smaller. The connotation is that you are losing something. As Americans, we hear over and over that bigger is better. If someone said, ‘You should downsize,’ what would you think? But downsizing isn’t a bad thing. It just depends on...

3 Reasons to Give Your Loved One a Hug Today
When was the last time you hugged someone? Today? Yesterday? Last week? You may not even remember; a hug may not seem like something you commit to memory. But a hug is much more powerful than you realize. In the ‘Rules of a Gentleman,’ rule #276 is ‘Don’t...

Relay for Life 2016 to Benefit American Cancer and Our Members
On Wednesday, June 15th, our Members will be walking, walker-ing and rolling around our custom track during our mini Relay for Life 2016 to benefit the American Cancer Society. Although the relay will benefit ACS, the act of walking – or getting any kind...

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Tour our adult day services facility.
Observe some fun activities. Join us for lunch. Learn more at our Senior Adult Day Care center FREE TRIAL
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Learn more about Naperville Senior Citizen services and upcoming events.