3 Life Lessons I (Hope I) Taught My Kids
By Mike Cooper Naperville Senior Center / A Nurturing Senior Community As a parent, you hope you can impart some valuable wisdom to your children, or at least a few good lessons along the way, to help them grow into dependable, mature adults. Sometimes you feel like...

How to Find Adult Day Care Services
Selecting Adult Day Care Near You Adult day care centers provide a safe environment and planned programs that include a variety of health, social and support services in a protective setting during daytime hours. Depending on the needs of (probably) your parent or...

What does the United States and Naperville Senior Center have in Common?
Did you enjoy your Independence Day? Food, fun and fireworks were in store for many people this holiday weekend. At the center of it all is the American Flag – Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes. We all learned years ago in school that the 13 stripes...

Thank our Veterans on Veterans Day
Remembering our veterans and thanking them for their service is something we should do every day, not just on Veterans Day. But Veterans Day give us the opportunity to reach out to the veterans we know. I am reminded of the World War II stories my dad would tell me...

adult day care services
Is Adult Daycare Right for Your Loved One? Adult daycare, also known as adult day services or senior day care, offers a vital resource for families seeking supportive and enriching environments for their elderly loved ones during daytime hours. These...

Seniors Can Participate in the Naperville “Relay For Life” Cancer Event at the New Adult Day Services Facility in Naperville
Naperville, IL (June 2, 2015) -- Naperville Senior Center Adult Day Services, has teamed up with the American Cancer Society and is stepping their way to a world with less cancer and more birthdays! Throughout the third week of June, NSC Members and Guests will...

Naperville Senior Center’s Mini Relay For Life (American Cancer Society Satellite Track)
Relay for Life Naperville Senior Center Adult Day Services is stepping their way to a world with less cancer and more birthdays! Throughout the third week of June, NSC Members and Guests will fund-raise money by walking...

Adult Day Care Cost
Adult Day Care Cost Naperville Senior Center Pricing Naperville Senior Center pricing*: Full day rate is only $140. (That's ONLY $14/hour!) Half day rate: only $95 for up to five hours. Is there a cost to attend the Naperville Senior Center?* Naperville Senior Center...

5 Tips to Help Your Senior Citizen be More ‘Social’ Savvy
5 Tips to Help Your Senior Citizen be More 'Social' Savvy - By Mike Cooper Many of us use the internet every day for research, news and to catch up with family and friends on one of several social media platforms. ‘Kids’ of a certain age don’t know a time...

Top 4 Exercises for Older Adults
Exercises for older adults At any age, exercise is important part of a healthy life. But it is even more important as adults get older. Even with all of the studies showing that consistent physical activity can help enhance longevity and quality of life, over 85% of...

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Tour our adult day services facility.
Observe some fun activities. Join us for lunch. Learn more at our Senior Adult Day Care center FREE TRIAL
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