Are You Aware?
By Mike Cooper There are many myths out there about senior citizens and many facts that you might not know about them. As National Awareness Month comes to a close, we want you to be aware of three more facts about senior citizens regarding voting,...

Is Your Loved One Getting Scammed?
By Mike Cooper Would you know if your mom or dad (or grandmother or grandfather) was being scammed? Wouldn’t they say something to you before they transferred large sums of money to a complete stranger over the phone? You would think so, but that is not...

3 Facts About Senior Citizens
By Mike Cooper As we celebrate National Awareness Month, we realize there are many things people aren’t aware of with respect to older adults. Some facts and figures are surprising; by 2019, seniors will comprise 27% of our population.* Here are 3 facts...

5 Ways to Stay Healthy Mentally and Physically
By Mike Cooper As National Senior Center Month comes to a close, we finish out our blog series with the 'E' in LIFE, for Energy. Think about it - Why do some older adults feel good and stay active into their senior years, but others age much more rapidly?...

Friends – Enhancing Your Life and Improving Your Health
By Mike Cooper As we continue to ‘Celebrate LIFE’ during National Senior Center Month, our focus this week is on ‘F’ – Friends. You know the song, ‘I get by with a little help from my friends.’ Well, you can do more than ‘get by’ when you have the social...

Independence – Important At Any Age
By Mike Cooper Do you remember when you were 6 years old and you wanted to ride your bike to school by yourself? All you could think about was having that freedom to go somewhere by yourself. When you turned 16, you just wanted the car keys so you had the freedom to...

What Do Naperville Senior Center Members Eat For Lunch?
By Mike Cooper Were you going to say ‘a ham sandwich and chips?’ Don’t confuse a PB&J at a day care center with what our Members eat during the day. We take nutrition very seriously at Naperville Senior Center. Our Members are fed healthy, nutritious food that...

Parents’ Day – How We Can Help Our Parents
Help your Parents By Mike Cooper This Sunday is Parents’ Day. Some of you may have heard of it, others may not. It was established in 1994 when President Bill Clinton signed a Congressional Resolution into law for "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of...

Naperville Senior Center 1st Annual Fall Craft & Vendor Show (Vendor Registration Form)
Naperville Craft Show Vendor Registration Naperville Craft Show Event: (Printable version click here) Location: 1504 N Naper Blvd., Suite 120, Naperville, IL 60563 Set-up: 9:00am-10:00am; Take down: 4:00-5:00 pm Cost: Only $25 + Donation of product or...

Top 3 Lessons I (Hope I) Taught my Kids
By Mike Cooper / Naperville Senior Center / Adult Services As a parent, you hope you can impart some valuable wisdom to your children, or at least a few good lessons along the way, to help them grow into dependable, mature adults. Sometimes you feel like all of your...

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Tour our adult day services facility.
Observe some fun activities. Join us for lunch. Learn more at our Senior Adult Day Care center FREE TRIAL
Receive Peace of Mind.
*** No obligation! ***
Learn more about Naperville Senior Citizen services and upcoming events.