Honoring Heroes
By Mike Cooper
December 7, 1941: A date which will live in infamy. These words were spoken by President Roosevelt a day after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, which brought the United States into World War II. We remember all the souls lost that day 76 years ago; those who tried to fight off the invasion of Japanese bombers.
There were many heroes in World War II and other conflicts since then. We shouldn’t just honor and remember them on specific days throughout the year – Memorial Day, Veterans Day – but every day.
Let’s not forget the other heroes among us – policemen, firemen, doctors and nurses. They rush in to help others when most of us would instinctively run away.
But there are many other people who could be considered a hero, if only by one or two other people.
Who is your hero?
A person who shovels the walk for the older neighbor; not to make a buck or two, but because it is the right thing to do.
- Someone who raises money to help a local family who was displaced from their home because of a fire.
- The stranger who lets you in front of them at the grocery store when you only have a gallon of milk and they have a cart full of food.
To most of the world, these things may be insignificant, but to the person being helped it’s everything.
Who do you consider to be a hero?
We should always honor the heroes in the military who defend our freedoms, but let’s not forget the local heroes who do something out of the kindness of their heart and don’t ask for anything in return. Everyone can use a little help at one time or another. We should pay it forward as much as we can.
We honor all of our Members at Naperville Senior Center. Our goal is to help them continue to be as independent as they can safely be while they are with us. We encourage socialization, exercises, Wii Bowling, games and puzzles, singing and clapping, dancing, and a brand new shuffleboard to provide mental and physical stimulation for our Members.
Come Visit: to learn more about how NSC can provide a respite for caregivers and a great social environment for your loved one, contact us at 630.857.3017. We invite you to Come Visit and see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home.”

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
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