Get Rid of the Winter Blues!
The lack of sunshine and longer dark hours can make anyone feel bummed, and ignoring these feelings could worsen the problem and require medical attention for those who develop seasonal affective disorder. Senior adults are especially a concern, considering many are less mobile and less active on their own. Fortunately, there are many tips to help you or a loved one kick their winter blues to the curb.
Open the Shades and Blinds
Allowing sunlight to flood the room as much as possible while it is shining is a great way to boost your mood. If the weather permits, going outside for a while each day is another rewarding alternative to being cooped up indoors all winter long.
Stay Active
There are many exercises you can do in your own home when it is much too cold to go outside. Cleaning around the house, lifting light weights, and walking are just a few of the various options. It is important that you and your loved ones are staying active during the winter time and are not overeating, which could cause additional health problems.
Socialize, Socialize, Socialize!
Especially during the colder months it can become difficult to leave the home and stay connected with friends and family. Socializing improved mental and emotional health and is a helpful reminder that we are all in this winter struggle together! Utilizing social media is an extremely efficient option and is easily navigable for anyone, including Senior adults. Help your loved ones add friends and family members and start chatting!
Maintain Health
Ensuring that you are keeping a healthy diet despite the dark and cold temperatures will eliminate unhealthy weight gain that occurs due to increased craving for sweets and a “hibernation” feeling during winter, and improve physical health. As we all know, winter season is also cold and flu season, and being sick makes winter seem even more dreadful. Practicing good hygiene and hand washing is crucial to keeping you and those around you healthy. Make sure to frequently sanitize germ-concentrated areas such as door knobs, railings, and phones/remotes.
Have a Positive Outlook
If you change the way you think about winter and incorporate activities that you enjoy each day, your mood will improve. A majority of the sadness we endure in winter is caused by our own thoughts of the cold, and it is important to remember that winter will end and warm months are only getting closer as each day passes. So, stay positive and Spring will be here before we know it!
Common signs that you or someone you know is experiencing a case of the winter blues include a general lack of interest in life, increased tiredness, and increased sadness. Practicing these tips can help make winter seem less brutal and improve your overall happiness and well-being, but don’t worry, winter will be over soon enough!
Here at Naperville Senior Center we offer a variety of fun activities, crafts, and exercises that are both enjoyable and physically and mentally stimulating. We are currently in the process of an exciting Winter Olympics including shot put (used with bags), biking, walking, and shuffleboard. We sure aren’t letting this frigid weather bring us down!
Call to action: contact us to schedule a FREE 3-hour trial at our facility so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home”.

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Tour our adult day services facility.
Observe some fun activities. Join us for lunch. Learn more at our Senior Adult Day Care center FREE TRIAL
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