3 Ways Adult Day Care Can Improve your Relationship with your Parent or Loved One
3 Ways Adult Day Care Can Improve your Relationship with your Parent or Loved One
Adult day care might be just the right solution for you or someone you love. We all want to have great relationships with our family members – parents, children, siblings. But as our parents begin to age, that may not always be as easy as we think. If our parents can no longer get around themselves – or if one of our parents passes away, leaving the other parent alone – they may start to feel isolated and depressed. There are community resources and programs that can be the perfect answer for your family.
By getting your loved ones out of the house and into a community atmosphere where they can participate in social support activities, you are encouraging them to have some independence throughout the day.
Here are 3 ways adult day care can help improve your relationship with your loved one:
- New Topics for Conversation – when your parent or loved one has new social interactions, s/he will have new things to talk about with you. What ‘Joe’ did during crafts; what ‘Betty’ had to say about her grandchildren; and the pictures that ‘Ruth’ showed of the new great-grandchild! Instead of repeating old stories, your loved one will have new stories to tell from new interactions.
Better Physical and Emotional Health – when your parent or loved one is at Naperville Senior Center, not only will s/he have the opportunity to interact with other seniors and staff, but s/he will be stimulated with both physical and mental exercises. This may help improve your loved one’s quality of life and overall satisfaction. It is much better to interact with someone who is satisfied with life versus unsatisfied, especially when they are related to you.
- Longer (and better quality of) Life – people who stay socially active may live longer than those who are isolated and by themselves and their quality of life is better. If your loved one is going to live longer, help them live it to the highest quality! They will thank you for it.
We worry about our parents and children when we can’t be there for them when they need our help. But you don’t have to go it alone. There are resources, like Naperville Senior Center, to help take the daytime burden off of you, give you peace of mind and help improve your relationship with your loved one.
We would like to have your loved one see our adult day care facility and have lunch with us! Contact us to get schedule a FREE 3-hour trial so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, Home Away From Home.

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Tour our adult day services facility.
Observe some fun activities. Join us for lunch. Learn more at our Senior Adult Day Care center FREE TRIAL
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