Are You Ready For Winter?
Ready for Winter – By Mike Cooper
Here we are – the middle of December. We have already had a ‘shoveling event’ including very wet and heavy snow. If you see an elder neighbor shoveling snow, especially heavy, slushy snow, please help them.
The temperature has held pretty steady, but you know it will get colder as we get further into winter. As the seasons transition from fall to winter, make sure the older adult in your life is ready as well. There are a few things you can do to make sure they are comfortable and healthy throughout the next few months.
A few of obvious, but key points to get ready for winter;
- Dress them for the season – make sure the older adult in your life has the right clothes for the season. In Northeast Illinois, that means heavy sweaters, turtlenecks, and warm socks. See if they need extra blankets as well.
- Check their thermostat – older adults tend to get colder faster than younger adults. Even when they are dressed for the season, they may need to have the thermostat set to a higher temperature. What might seem like an appropriate temperature for you may be too cold for them. Another important tip to be ready for winter is to remember to change the furnace filter at a minimum of every time we change the clocks; once every three months is better.
Warm foods – who doesn’t like to have something warm on a cold winter’s day? If your loved one is able to heat up food (whether in the microwave or stove top/oven), prepare food for them that will be warm, hearty and satisfying, like chicken noodle soup, chili, spaghetti and meatballs, or even pot roast. Save the cold sandwiches for another season.
When you cook for your family, make extra food and package it in separate containers that can go directly from the refrigerator into the microwave or oven. Leave instructions on the package so your loved one knows what it is and how to heat it up. Even if you can’t have meals with them, at least you will know that they are eating a warm, home cooked meal. Remember – do not wrap anything in tin-foil as this is microwave disaster.
If your loved one doesn’t live in the same area as you, see if there is a service available that might deliver food to seniors, or companies such as Meals on Wheels or Seattle Sutton.
- Medicinal necessities – tissues, cough drops, moisturizer and even humidifiers are important to have around during the dry, winter months to make your loved one comfortable and ready for winter when they are inside more than outside.
- Snow shoveling service – If you can, hire a local kid, neighbor, or handyman to assure that your elderly parent won’t be shoveling snow on those days when things get icy, and be sure to have some salt handy too to keep to keep ice-free walkways in front of the house.
When you help your loved one prepare for the winter months with what they wear and eat and how they live day-to-day, you know they will be comfortable and you will enjoy a little peace of mind.
Naperville Senior Center provides a warm, safe environment for your loved one. Our Members have hot, noontime meals and participate in a variety of activities such as exercises, wii bowling, puzzles, singing and clapping, dancing, and the brand new shuffleboard, all providing mental and physical stimulation. We are ready for winter!
Call to action: contact us to schedule a FREE 3-hour trial at our facility so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home”.
Ready for Winter

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