Are You Aware?
By Mike Cooper
There are many myths out there about senior citizens and many facts that you might not know about them. As National Awareness Month comes to a close, we want you to be aware of three more facts about senior citizens regarding voting, technology and falls.
- Voting: Are you aware the majority of senior citizens are registered voters? It is not only that they might have more time to vote (and it doesn’t take that much time, by the way), but this group of citizens also has a strong commitment to their country. Sixty-one percent of citizens over age 65 vote compared to only 21% of citizens from 18 to 25 years old. We should all take a lesson from this group and do our civic duty when called upon to vote! Also, many of the seniors not voting, do indeed want to vote but are unable to get to the polls. Call to action: During the next election, be a good neighbor and check with the seniors on your block to see if they need a ride.
Technology: Are you aware 15 million Facebook users are 65 years old or older? More than 40% of seniors are active online, whether connecting with family and friends on social media, playing online games, reading news, shopping and more! Some seniors are reluctant to learn this technology, but it is getting easier and easier for them to learn and use; keep trying! Call to action: Set up a Facebook page for a senior in your family. Don’t take, “I don’t have time to mess with a computer,” for an answer. Seniors have lots of time. Help them become “Friends” with everyone in the family. Show them how to check out everyone’s photos. They will catch on fast and finally start using the computer; spending less time staring at the TV.
- Falls: Are you aware, according to the CDC, 2-1/2 million seniors are treated in emergency rooms for falls each year? This can be caused by a variety of issues including some medications that make a senior unstable, poor vision, lower body weakness, even home hazards such as throw rugs or uneven steps. Call to action: Throw out all the throw rugs (all of them) and keep an eye on your loved one, watching for signs they are becoming unstable or are having a hard time seeing where they are going. By correcting one problem, you may be preventing another one!
Naperville Senior Center is a great place for seniors to get news, learn about technology, and prevent falls by keeping their bodies strong with exercise! We have helped some of our Members learn about computer apps so they can communicate online with family members who live out of the country. It is rewarding to see their excitement as they hear about their family member’s new adventures! In addition to computer time, we encourage exercise, games and puzzles, singing, clapping, dancing, socialization and a host of other activities to provide mental and physical stimulation for our Members.
Call to action: contact us to schedule a FREE 3-hour trial at our facility so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home.”

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Tour our adult day services facility.
Observe some fun activities. Join us for lunch. Learn more at our Senior Adult Day Care center FREE TRIAL
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Learn more about Naperville Senior Citizen services and upcoming events.