5 Ways Fun and Games Can Make Your Brain Healthy
By Mike Cooper
You are actually helping keep your brain healthy just by reading this blog! In a study done by Mayo Clinic of 2,000 men and women 70 and older, they found those who were on the computer at least once a week were 44 percent less likely to develop memory or thinking problems. When those same participants engaged in other activities, they were almost 25 percent less likely to develop those problems. Even participants who did crafts or played games saw a decrease in memory problems.
This shows us that it is important to keep the mind active as we age. Training our brain doesn’t have to be tedious; it can be accomplished by having fun! How can you keep your, or your loved ones, brain healthy?
Here are 5 ways fun and games can make your brain healthy:
- Play a Computer Game. Whether it is on a laptop, tablet or smartphone, there are plenty of games available for you or your senior loved one to play. Do they like Scrabble? Have them play Words with Friends. Do they like old-time video games? They might like Angry Birds. Do they want to keep in touch with their grandchildren? Set them up with a Facebook (or other social media) account. Let them Skype or Facetime with family who live far away.
- Play a Dice Game. Bunco is very popular here at Naperville Senior Center. It is a social dice game involving
100% luck and no skill (there are no decisions to be made), Everyone can pick up the dice and toss ‘em. Our Director of Fun keeps the pace flowing and the members throwing. “What’s the name of the game, Ray?” “BUNCO!” Prizes for all.
- Put a Puzzle Together. Do you take each piece, one at a time, and try to get it in the general area you think it should go? Or are you an ‘outside first’ type of puzzle maker? Either way, you have to put some thought into the colors and shape of the piece. Depending on the size of the puzzle, it can take a short while or a couple days.
- Play Cards. Anyone for Gin Rummy? Garbage? Bridge? Or a simple game of Slap Jack? Your loved one has probably played them all over the years. With each game you have to remember the rules, what cards have been thrown down, and sometimes what your partner has done. Even if you need a little refresher course (which you can get on the internet – see first way to have fun!) you could be playing together quickly.
- Color. This is no longer a childish activity. Research shows coloring decreases agitation and anxiety. Possibly because the participant is concentrating they may ‘forget’ their troubles and become more relaxed. Members at NSC love to color and it has become a daily activity.
Our Members have fun every day!
At Naperville Senior Center we have all of these activities available for our Members every day. Some of our Members have even communicated with their grandchildren across the world from our computer station. There are opportunities to colorize, harmonize, hypothesize, verbalize, improvise, evangelize, socialize, exercise, have fun, and plenty of activities to provide mental and physical stimulation.
Call to action: contact us to schedule a FREE 3-hour trial at our facility so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience. It’s like “Home Away From Home,” but with a nurse and therapists in your living room.

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
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