5 Things You Should Do Now to Stay Healthy in Your Senior Years
Senior Health
Wouldn’t it be great if we could take a sip from the fountain of youth and not have to worry about getting older? But like the song (and Bible verse) goes, to everything there is a season. Every day we get a little older, but we don’t have to go down without a fight! Senior Health
There may not be that magical fountain of youth, but there are a variety of things we can do at any age to help ourselves be healthy and happy in our senior years. Whether you are 45 or 65 years old, little changes to what you do, what you eat and your outlook on life can make a big difference.
Here are 5 things you should do now to stay healthy as you age:
- It takes 21 days to create a habit. Start by doing something small – walking for 5 minutes – and build on it over time. We all have to start somewhere. Like the slogan says, ‘Just do it.’
- Be consistent. If you do take that walk, do it at the same time on the same days of the week. Being repetitive will help create that habit and have it stick over time.
- Be positive. Research has shown that positive thinking can help you feel better longer. You have a choice to react positively or negatively to any situation; choose to be positive!
Eat well most of the time. We all have our ‘favorites’ – cookies, candy, ice cream, chips and dip. That’s okay once-in-a-while; but spend most of the time eating foods that are good FOR you, not just good. It’s all about moderation; your body will thank you for it. Senior Health Tips
- Be social. Humans are social creatures and crave interaction with others. So get out there and be social. You can get involved with your church, community groups, or senior centers, like Naperville Senior Center.
Aging is inevitable, but there are a variety of things we can do to help our bodies and minds age more slowly than our years. However, if your aging loved one needs to be in a safe environment with other seniors during the day, check out what Naperville Senior Center has to offer.
Contact us to schedule a FREE 3-hour trial at our facility so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, Home Away From Home.
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