4 Activities to Celebrate Earth Day with your Senior Loved One
This year, Earth Day is Saturday, April 22. Since 1970 it is a day on which many people around the world will show support for environmental protection. There are events in many communities on that day and throughout the week. Unfortunately, many seniors are unable to get to these events; they may not have transportation or physically cannot participate. But that that does not mean they can’t be involved in their own way!
Here are 4 activities you can do with your senior loved one this week to help them celebrate Earth Day:
Our Members help plant our garden in the spring and enjoy the fruits of their labor throughout the summer!
Plant a garden. Who doesn’t love fresh-picked produce?! Think herb garden, or maybe a couple tomato plants. An herb garden would be perfect for indoors and could easily be transplanted outside next month. If you are handy, you could build a small, raised planter box where your loved one could comfortably sit or stand to help plant the garden. Not only are the herbs and vegetables good for them, they will appreciate being involved. Farm to table would be about 10 feet. It doesn’t get any more ‘local’ than that!
- Recycle. Think about all the items in your own home that you haven’t used in years. Now think about all the things in your parents’ home that they haven’t used for decades! Why wait for something to happen to them before you go through some of these items with them? At that point, the process will be a lot more stressful because you will have suffered a loss and some things might wind up in the garbage instead of being donated or sold.
Don’t try to tackle the whole house at once; it can be too overwhelming. Pick a closet, drawer or corner of a basement and go through these things with them a little at a time. Give them the chance to tell a story about the item, if there is one. Then determine if the item should be given to someone in the family, donated or sold. If there are old family photos, see if your loved one remembers who is in the picture, when it was taken or the reason for it. Save that information somewhere and scan the picture(s) so they are safe digitally.
Plant a tree. This might not be something your senior loved ones can do themselves, but they can still be involved. Find out what their favorite tree is (hopefully something that grows well in your zone). If they still live in their own home, find a spot to plant a tree, even a little one, where they can see it. Maybe they could help water it from time to time. They can take pride in seeing something grow and live on for a long time, knowing that they were involved with its growth. If they live in a community where you cannot do this, maybe you can plant their tree by your house. When they come over to see you, point out the tree they that picked out – their ‘favorite’ tree.
Spring flowers are in bloom!
Take a walk. Especially this spring, the trees and flowers are in full bloom and the weather has been warm. Get your loved one outdoors to enjoy the beautiful scenery. If they can only go a short distance, walk down their street to see the tulips and daffodils that are in front of their neighbors’ houses. If they can go walk farther, check out the beautiful scenery in your town or neighboring towns.
In the Naperville area, the flowers and trees along the Riverwalk and in the Morton Arboretum are in full bloom. There are plenty of trails, parks and preserves in the area to walk and enjoy the sights.
The last 2 years we have had our own raised garden where our Members help to plant, water, pick and eat the wonderful vegetables we grow. We are looking forward to having that garden again! Our farm to table distance is only about 20 feet!
When they are not gardening, our Members socialize, verbalize, improvise, evangelize, visualize, exercise, have fun, and a host of other activities to provide mental and physical stimulation.
Call to action: to learn more about how NSC can provide a respite for you and a great social environment for your loved one, contact us at 630.857.3017. You can also schedule a tour to see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home.”

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