3 Ways to Have Fun While Exercising to Keep Warm in the Winter
Winter in the northern United States means it is cold, wet and dreary. The furnace is running and we are layered up to stay warm. We prefer soup and hot drinks instead of the cool ones of summer. It doesn’t paint pretty picture, does it?
During these cold winter months, our focus is on staying warm – warm clothes, warm food, warm drinks, warm homes. But there is another way to stay warm without having to bundle up and crank up the heat. It’s called exercise. I know…that dreaded E-word! But exercise does not have to seem like a chore. It can be fun, entertaining and enjoyable if you want it to be.
In addition, when people finish exercising, they tend to have a positive attitude; they feel good about what they have accomplished. Exercising not only helps your body, but it can help your mind and your spirit too! In fact, according to Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter, “Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills.” With new cases of dementia being identified every four seconds, you are doing your brain, as well as your body, a favor.
I hear you asking, “But Mike, where’s the ‘fun, entertaining and enjoyable’ part?” There are a few ways to make exercise fun!
Here are 3 ways to have fun while exercising to keep warm this winter:
Dance. You don’t have to know how to tango or jive to dance. Just turn on the radio or your playlist and groove to whatever music you enjoy. After you get your feet moving, your arms are next. Suddenly you’re dancing, enjoying yourself, and yes, exercising! Instead of watching TV every night, crank up some smooth jazz, grab your partner and dance around the first floor of your house. You’ll both me smiling and spending some quality time together.
- Play Wii. There are many Wii games you can play which will increase your heart rate. Baseball, tennis, boxing, even bowling! You are moving your whole body – arms, legs and core. Is it the same as doing those sports for real? No. But if you want your senior loved one to get some exercise, it may be exactly what they need. In addition, if they are doing it with someone else, they are getting the social interaction they need as well.
Walk, Skip, Jump. Remember how much fun you had skipping down the street when you were a kid. You would jump over cracks or puddles in the sidewalk. Life was carefree back then. What is holding you back now? You may not skip down the street, but you could jump rope (even if you don’t have a jump rope in your hand). Skipping in place or around your house or yard would get your heart rate up too. If you or your senior loved one can’t skip or jump, walking is good for you too. Everybody should walk at least 10 minutes a day. If you don’t have a walking track, walk around the house… down the hall, through the kitchen, through the dining room, down the hall… repeat.
- Do Yoga. Yoga helps improve muscle tone and strength, flexibility and posture. It also helps to reduce stress and improve your mood. Seniors can do chair yoga in order to get the benefits in a safer environment.
Our Members have fun!
At Naperville Senior Center we do all of these things to keep our Members active, alert and happy so they can have fun. We not only want them to feel like we are their ‘home away from home’ but we want them to have more fun here! At home they might not get the chance to dance, play Wii sports or walk around. They might not otherwise have the kind of comradery they get with other Members and our staff throughout the day. We are thrilled that they can get that kind of physical, mental and social stimulation while they are with us!
Call to action: to learn more about how NSC can provide a respite for you and a great social environment for your loved one where they can have fun, contact us at 630.857.3017. You can also schedule a tour to see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience, “Home Away From Home.

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