3 Powerful Benefits of Mailing Letters to Seniors Right Now
When was the last time you mailed a letter or a card to someone? We are not talking about sending text messages or an e-mail, but an actual card in the mail? It may have been a while, which is a shame. I remember looking forward to getting cards in the mail for holidays or special occasions. Now it’s a Facebook post or a text. Don’t get me wrong, those are great! But many seniors are not online or if they are, they would still appreciate an old-fashioned snail-mail once-in-a-while.

Send a letter to a senior today! Even if it is just to say ‘hello, I’m thinking of you!’
I know that actual greeting cards can be expensive; prices seem to keep going up with everything these days. But why not get a package of stationary to send a note just to say you care or pick up a box of blank cards where you can put in the sentiment? If you have kids, take out the construction paper and crayons or markers and let them make a homemade card.
Here are 3 powerful benefits of mailing letters to seniors:
- Improves Mood. Who isn’t happy knowing that someone is thinking about them? Your loved one goes to the mailbox and sees something in there other than bills or catalogs. Already that improves their mood! Then they read your note and they are in an even better mood!
- Increases Sensory Stimulation. Not only can a loved one read your handwriting in a letter, they can feel it. It is not just type-written text on a screen. There are more senses in use when a letter or card is mailed versus an online greeting. Increased sensory stimulation is used as a therapy to help older adults with dementia; why not let your loved one have the added benefit with the experience.
- It’s a Win-Win. Your loved one will be happy to get something from you, but you will feel good you sent it. An online greeting still conveys a sentiment, but why not go the extra step once-in-a-while. It only takes a couple minutes to put something in the mail. The better you feel about the experience, the more you are going to want to do it, and the positive cycle continues!
At Naperville Senior Center we provide sensory stimulation to our Members every day. Some of our Members have communicated with their grandchildren across the world from our computer station, and we recently swapped notes with the children over at Bright Horizons on ‘letter day.’ Very rewarding watching our Members smile as the read the notes.
Call to action: contact us to schedule a FREE 3-hour trial at our facility so you can see what we have to offer and understand the Naperville Senior Center experience. It’s like “Home Away From Home,” but with a nurse and therapists in your living room.

Free TRIAL is for new Members and their caregiver.
The trial visit is Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
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